It's been very busy around here and many things are going on right now. Kyle and Katie are back in school and Mary went home a few days ago (I miss you sweetie!). We are preparing for Darrell's next surgery which is scheduled on the 10th at 11a.m., and also getting ready for Katie's birthday! She will be 11 on the 17th. She is growing up sooo fast. This year she is in 5th grade and will soon learn how to play an instrument. She is trying to decide whether to play the violin or flute. We shall soon see.
We have received many donations this past week. Thank you to all of you that have donated. We currently have 3 boxes full of stuffed animals and care bears...thank you Laura! Medicine, pencils, clothing and even a child's plastic picnic table have all been donated! We are sending the picnic table to the RC. The children are served their meals on these tables and Licia is in need of more. The rest of the donations will be split up with half going to the RC/Clinic and the other half to Barbara in Port-au-Prince for the orphans in her care.
Flooding is still very bad in Haiti. Hundreds and dead, thousands and homeless. There is NO clean water for the RC and clinic right now. Please pray for Haiti tonight.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Haiti Needs Your Prayers!!
Please keep Haiti in your prayers. They are currently being hit by their 3rd hurricane in less than two weeks. Thousands of Haitians are now without homes, clothing, food and clean water. Many people have lost their lives in these storms and many more are still unaccounted for due to flooding and derbis. The river near the rescue center/clinic is still very swollen but was starting to recede,although now that more rain is being dumped on them it is sure to rise once again. They are almost completely out of clean drinking water. By tomorrow evening it will most likely be completely gone. With so many bottles to make, meals to cook, children to bathe, clothes to wash, and a full clinic and rescue center to keep clean, the loss of clean water could literally be the difference between life and death. We have not heard anything specific about the orphans in Port-au-Prince but I do know that a few towns outside of the city have been flooded and shelters have been set up in Port-au-Prince. Please keep all of Haiti in your prayers. Pray for their safety from the storms, strength to rebuild, receding flood waters, and clean drinking water.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Kids & Kittens
We've been very busy around here the last few weeks. Darrell is recovering from surgery on his left elbow where a tendon was removed and is currently getting ready for the same surgery on the right elbow. So needless to say, he has been unable to work for a few weeks now. Things have been very tight but we we're managing. We have also had many guests with us throughout the last couple months. The tiny,cuddly, furry type... Kittens! We are currently caring for our second litter of 5 kittens. Now before I go any further let me first say that none of these kittens belong to our cats. Both litters were born to stray mama kitties that we feed daily. Our first 5 lil guests were born the end of May. By the time they were 5 weeks old their young mama decided they were big enough to be on their own. Of course they weren't, so after a couple days of hearing them cry and seeing them sleeping in the hot summer sun we brought them inside. Within a couple days they were all litter trained, eating, and becoming very social. We quickly found homes for 4 of our 5 little babies. The 5th lil one I fell in love with and when it was time for her to go Darrell told them that we were keeping her. She became a late Mother's Day gift to me!!! I named her Angel. She loves to cuddle and is turning into quite the lapcat! Within a couple weeks of our first lil guests going to their forever homes we took in our next lil guests..mama too!
This mama kitty was rapidly losing weight after giving birth. We fed her extra food but it just didn't seem to help. It got to the point that we were afraid we were going to lose her and all 5 of the kittens too. So they all came. Danielle, the mama cat, is finally starting to gain weight and all but 1 of the kittens are growing nicely. The runt of the litter is a beautiful lil long haired gray male and he just doesn't seem to have much interest in nursing or eating. Although he is VERY happy to crawl up onto your lap to cuddle and sleep! The lil ones are old enough now to go to their forever homes but we haven't given any away yet. I wanted to give them a few extra weeks to grow stronger and bigger due to their rough start. They are an active bunch and keep us all very very busy. We also have another young guest staying with us for awhile. It's been great having her here and I'm going to miss her alot when she goes home. She has become my second daughter and calls me mom just like my own kids do. She's a great kid and plans on becoming a vet just like Katie does. Mary and Katie have become very close sisters. And last but not least school is starting soon and we are trying to get all the kids ready. This time of year is great for donations. All the summer items are on clearance and there are tons of sales just about everywhere. Don't forget all our young friends in Haiti when you go by those sale racks of sandals, and summer clothing. The children are in need of everything, even school supplies! But most of all they need your prayers. Thank you for taking the time to care and pray for the kids and for us.
P.S. Hopefully we will receive new photos in a couple weeks! I will post them as soon as we get them.
This mama kitty was rapidly losing weight after giving birth. We fed her extra food but it just didn't seem to help. It got to the point that we were afraid we were going to lose her and all 5 of the kittens too. So they all came. Danielle, the mama cat, is finally starting to gain weight and all but 1 of the kittens are growing nicely. The runt of the litter is a beautiful lil long haired gray male and he just doesn't seem to have much interest in nursing or eating. Although he is VERY happy to crawl up onto your lap to cuddle and sleep! The lil ones are old enough now to go to their forever homes but we haven't given any away yet. I wanted to give them a few extra weeks to grow stronger and bigger due to their rough start. They are an active bunch and keep us all very very busy. We also have another young guest staying with us for awhile. It's been great having her here and I'm going to miss her alot when she goes home. She has become my second daughter and calls me mom just like my own kids do. She's a great kid and plans on becoming a vet just like Katie does. Mary and Katie have become very close sisters. And last but not least school is starting soon and we are trying to get all the kids ready. This time of year is great for donations. All the summer items are on clearance and there are tons of sales just about everywhere. Don't forget all our young friends in Haiti when you go by those sale racks of sandals, and summer clothing. The children are in need of everything, even school supplies! But most of all they need your prayers. Thank you for taking the time to care and pray for the kids and for us.
P.S. Hopefully we will receive new photos in a couple weeks! I will post them as soon as we get them.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Bake Sale Success
Our Smiles For Haiti bake sale went great! We had it on the 4th of July and made a little over $61. Today we sent the money and also 2 boxes of donations for the orphans under Barbara's care. We are sure that she will be able to put the money to good use for the kids. She will be in the states in a few days and will be able to take the money and donations back to Haiti with her.
We want all of you that helped out with the bake sale to know that we really appreciated all that you did. Whether you made goodies, spent the day helping us at the sale, or stopped by to buy treats, Thank You...over and over again! We couldn't have done it without all of your help.
We want all of you that helped out with the bake sale to know that we really appreciated all that you did. Whether you made goodies, spent the day helping us at the sale, or stopped by to buy treats, Thank You...over and over again! We couldn't have done it without all of your help.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Little Yves was born May 29 around 1am. His mother, like most women in Haiti, had no prenatal care. She didn't even know how far along she was when he was born. Now let me explain that medical care in Haiti is nothing like it is here in the states. Here we have doctors in every town, and hospitals in our cities. That's not how it is in Haiti. There are not many hospitals or doctors. And when you do find a hospital it usually offers very substandard care and is very expensive also. This is why there was no prenatal care. So when little Yves was born his mother knew he needed help. He was so tiny, weighing only 3lbs 10oz. He was brought to the rescue center and admitted right away. Since the rescue center is full of children there is no room for the parents to stay while their children are there. His mother had to leave him and go back home without her new baby boy. I'm sure that was a very difficult thing for her to do. But she knew that he would be safe, loved and cared for in Licia's care. All the parents know this. Every week more parents leave their precious children at the rescue center because the children are sick or injured. Some are there only a few days, others for months. Parents try and visit their children but it can be very difficult to do when they live in a village a few hours away. Remember, they are very poor and walk most everywhere they go. They do not have the luxury of cars like we do. Some of the children currently at the rescue center have not seen their parents in a very long time.
Little Yves had a very rough start due to his size. Since he was so small he was unable to keep his body temperature up on his own, so a heating pad was placed under him to help keep him warm. Shortly after, Licia checked on him only to find that he was no longer breating. Seconds later his little heart stopped beating as well. But after receiving a couple puffs of air he was breathing on his own again. This happened three more times that day. His first day of life he was revived a total of 4 times. I can't even begin to imagine what little Yves, Licia or Lori was going through, but he was fighting very hard to stay alive and Licia and Lori were fighting to keep him alive also. There are no monitors at the center like we have here in the NICU at our hospitals. No alarms to go off when he would start to slip away. No incubators to keep him warm. Little Yves had a nannie instead, a loving nannie. She watched over him to make sure he was still breathing and did not leave his side.
The next morning little Yves once again stopped breathing and his little heart beat it's last beat. He fought as long as his little body could but in the end he just wasn't strong enough. He is now in Heaven where he will never have to suffer or struggle again. Now I'm not telling you about Yves to make you sad, but to make you aware. He is just one of many that does not survive. He is one of many that was admitted to and cared for by the rescue center and many like him will also pass away. But not all of them. Many more can be saved and desperately need your prayers and support. That is why the rescue center was started, to save as many children as possible. Many of the children that are born healthy in Haiti soon become sick from malnourishment. Many fall victim to intestinal parasites that cause their little bellies to swell with worms. Others have had insects burrow under their skin and lay eggs. There are 2 little boys in the center right now with this exact problem. Every night they have to have the eggs and worms removed from under the skin on the bottom of their feet. Can you imagine how painful that must be? We are so blessed here in the States. Our children have access to quality health care, they have food, clean running water, sanitation, shelter, clothing, and shoes. These are things that we take for granted here. Things that our children will never go without, but many children in Haiti will live their entire lives without some of these things, like shoes. Shoes would have prevented the boys from those horrible bugs, but they didn't have any. This is what Smiles For Haiti is about. We are trying to help as many children as we can to live a better quality of life in Haiti and hope to bring a smile to their sweet little faces in the process. There are many more children like precious little Yves that are patiently awaiting your generous donations. Everything from formula to diapers and medicines are needed. I know many of you have already donated and we thank you for that, but so much more is still needed. Whether it's a donation of a new box of crayons or a donation of a case of formula or anything in between please know that it is all very much needed. There are many more children like little Yves that are waiting and need your prayers. Please.... don't forget about them.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Ok, so we've been tagged by our good friend Lori. Now we have to tell you a few of our quirks. Since Katie and I share our blog we are each going to share 3 quirks about ourselves.
these are the rules:
*link the person who tagged you
*mention the rules in your blog
*tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
*tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them
So here we go, Katie first, then me:
1) Cheese. I WON'T eat any cheese on a sub, sandwich or salads. But I will eat it on a burger,pizza and macaroni n cheese.
2) My hair. I HAVE to wear it down all the time. Sometimes my mom makes me put it up and I hate it!! Everyone says it looks nice being up but I DON'T think it does.
3) Jewelry. My newest quirk is that I HAVE to wear my blue and white seashell necklace everyday.
1) Laundry HAS to be folded as soon as it comes out of the dryer. I can't leave it in a basket or even in the dryer. I just HAVE to fold it right away.
2) I love coupons and use them all the time. If I'm shopping and forget to bring my coupons I WON'T buy any of the items on my list that I had a coupon for (even if they are on sale) until I have my coupon/s with me.
3) My feet. I don't let anyone touch my feet. Even my kids learned very early on that when they would try and tickle feet were off limits!! I was very ticklish as a child, especially my now as an adult my feet will no longer be tortured!!
We're tagging 4 more bloggers,
Debra (Carly's mom)
these are the rules:
*link the person who tagged you
*mention the rules in your blog
*tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
*tag a new set of six following bloggers by linking them
So here we go, Katie first, then me:
1) Cheese. I WON'T eat any cheese on a sub, sandwich or salads. But I will eat it on a burger,pizza and macaroni n cheese.
2) My hair. I HAVE to wear it down all the time. Sometimes my mom makes me put it up and I hate it!! Everyone says it looks nice being up but I DON'T think it does.
3) Jewelry. My newest quirk is that I HAVE to wear my blue and white seashell necklace everyday.
1) Laundry HAS to be folded as soon as it comes out of the dryer. I can't leave it in a basket or even in the dryer. I just HAVE to fold it right away.
2) I love coupons and use them all the time. If I'm shopping and forget to bring my coupons I WON'T buy any of the items on my list that I had a coupon for (even if they are on sale) until I have my coupon/s with me.
3) My feet. I don't let anyone touch my feet. Even my kids learned very early on that when they would try and tickle feet were off limits!! I was very ticklish as a child, especially my now as an adult my feet will no longer be tortured!!
We're tagging 4 more bloggers,
Debra (Carly's mom)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Bon Nwit, Good Night
Today Katie and I received an awesome package in the mail. Lori sent us a CD and book to help us learn Haitian Creole!! We opened it right away and got to work on learning the language. It was tough at first but after a couple times though it started to make more sense and the words became easier to pronounce. Lori, thank you so much for this. It is going to help us immensely. Mesi, Thank You.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
New Developmants!!!
We've been trying to think of ways to raise money and awareness for Smiles For Haiti and the children. We made a list of ideas and have come up with some good ones. We are hoping to do a car wash or two this summer, a basket raffle, bake sale and lemonade stand. Maybe even a cookout, hot dogs and burgers. So today we set the date for our 1st bake sale & lemonade stand. We will have a table set up in front of our Valley Wal-Mart on July 4th!!! I'm thinking we will be there from 10-2, maybe longer if things are going really well. We will have lots and lots of goodies to sell. Michele has already promised to make brownies for us but we're gonna need much more. So come on all you bakers out there, we've got a few weeks to plan this all out. Is anybody else willing to make some goodies for the bake sale? Maybe even come spend an hour or two with us at the sale? This is such a perfect time to have it because our store is ALWAYS very busy on holidays like the 4th. So please, everyone come buy some goodies from us, and help support the precious children of Haiti. If anyone else has any fundraising ideas please share them with us.
Another new and exciting development concerns our upcoming trip to Haiti next year. As many of you already know, Katie and I are going to Haiti next year. Hopefully we will be able to spend a couple weeks there. But now, my husband has decided that he wants to travel to Haiti with us next year!! That means that Kyle would be going too, so all 4 of us will be going!! I am so happy that he wants to experience this with us. Last night I started researching ticket prices and trying to figure out what airport to fly out of so we are more prepared when the times comes. I'm sooo excited. I wish we could go right now, but I know we have to wait. A friend told me today that she's afraid I won't want to leave once I get there! You know what? She's probably right! Haiti has already captured my heart and I haven't even been there yet. But next year is another story!
So is everyone still collecting donations for us? We really need more donations for our next packages that we will be sending out next month. Please continue to keep us in mind as you sort through your kids summer clothes from last year. Thanks for the support you have all given us. It means alot to us. We hope you all have a safe and happy Memorial Day.
Another new and exciting development concerns our upcoming trip to Haiti next year. As many of you already know, Katie and I are going to Haiti next year. Hopefully we will be able to spend a couple weeks there. But now, my husband has decided that he wants to travel to Haiti with us next year!! That means that Kyle would be going too, so all 4 of us will be going!! I am so happy that he wants to experience this with us. Last night I started researching ticket prices and trying to figure out what airport to fly out of so we are more prepared when the times comes. I'm sooo excited. I wish we could go right now, but I know we have to wait. A friend told me today that she's afraid I won't want to leave once I get there! You know what? She's probably right! Haiti has already captured my heart and I haven't even been there yet. But next year is another story!
So is everyone still collecting donations for us? We really need more donations for our next packages that we will be sending out next month. Please continue to keep us in mind as you sort through your kids summer clothes from last year. Thanks for the support you have all given us. It means alot to us. We hope you all have a safe and happy Memorial Day.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Today we are sending out more donations. Licia runs a rescue center in Haiti and asked for donations of a few specific things that her family and the center needs. So today I'm sending out some things she needed. I'm also sending her some of the donations we have collected since sending out the last packages. I know how much she and the kids need these donations. She is a wonderful person that has dedicated her life to helping the children of Haiti. Her sister Lori also lives there with her husband. She runs a medical clinic and takes terrific care of all who come for treatment. Please check out both of their blogs if you haven't done so already. Licia's is under Rescue Center and Lori's is listed as Real Hope For Haiti. You will find them listed under Friends Of Smiles For Haiti on the right side of this page.
We will also be sending more donations to Lori. In exactly two weeks from today the packages will be sent out. Please keep the donations coming!!! We are sure that things will be much smoother this time and we will get great results!! As long as the children are happy, so are we!
We will also be sending more donations to Lori. In exactly two weeks from today the packages will be sent out. Please keep the donations coming!!! We are sure that things will be much smoother this time and we will get great results!! As long as the children are happy, so are we!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thank You For All Your Support
I just wanted to take a minute to thank all of you that have donated and are praying for the children of Haiti. Your prayers and support are very much appreciated.
Well, I know you have all been waiting to see the pictures of the children receiving the donations you gave. Thank you for being so patient. There was technical problems that occured with the camera's port so that was why there was such a long delay. Yesterday though I finally received some pictures. The kiddos are adorable. Just looking at their pictures gives me even more ideas on what to send next as I'm sure it will you too. Unfortunately we did come across a snag with the pictures though. We've been told that there was another large donation that was delivered with ours at the same time. Everything was all packed together so they were not able to tell which donations came from which person. A volunteer took some pictures once everything was unpacked but didn't get any pictures of any of the donations we sent. I don't know how that happened but I apologize to all of you for this. I know you have all been waiting , as have we. We have been assured that the donations DID arrive. There is just no pictures of them being given out. That said, I have to ask you to have faith that they did arrive and were given to the children. I hope and pray that you will continue to donate despite this setback. Sometimes we just have to leave things in HIS hands and trust that HIS will has been and will be done. This is one of those times. If any of you are still uncomfortable about continuing to donate I urge you please pray about it. Please feel free to email me at if you have any further questions. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Well, I know you have all been waiting to see the pictures of the children receiving the donations you gave. Thank you for being so patient. There was technical problems that occured with the camera's port so that was why there was such a long delay. Yesterday though I finally received some pictures. The kiddos are adorable. Just looking at their pictures gives me even more ideas on what to send next as I'm sure it will you too. Unfortunately we did come across a snag with the pictures though. We've been told that there was another large donation that was delivered with ours at the same time. Everything was all packed together so they were not able to tell which donations came from which person. A volunteer took some pictures once everything was unpacked but didn't get any pictures of any of the donations we sent. I don't know how that happened but I apologize to all of you for this. I know you have all been waiting , as have we. We have been assured that the donations DID arrive. There is just no pictures of them being given out. That said, I have to ask you to have faith that they did arrive and were given to the children. I hope and pray that you will continue to donate despite this setback. Sometimes we just have to leave things in HIS hands and trust that HIS will has been and will be done. This is one of those times. If any of you are still uncomfortable about continuing to donate I urge you please pray about it. Please feel free to email me at if you have any further questions. I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Something New
Hi again. We recently added a new page element here on our site. It is from Petfinder and it is very important. As most of you know, Katie dreams of becoming a veterinarian someday and wants to help animals in shelters. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you will find many pets from our local shelters in need of homes. Just click on a picture and it will tell you more about that specific animal and how to contact the shelter it is in. There is also a section at the bottom where you can enter in your own zip code and it will show you pets waiting for homes in your area!! Is that neat or what? So we hope you will all take advantage of this opportunity. Who knows, you may find your new best friend! Even if you are not looking for a pet for yourself right now you may come across one a friend, relative ,or neighbor may be interested in. Please be sure to let us know if you do come across a pet you are interested in. We have many great readers and there are also many great pets waiting to be adopted. Hopefully we can help bring some of you together!!!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Safe And Sound In Haiti
Our first shipment of donations arrived safely in Haiti on March 26th. We don't have any details or pictures to share with you all yet but hope to have some very soon. I know you all want to see the pics, so as soon as we get them we will post them here.
Things have gotten very bad in Haiti recently. There has always been a shortage of food and medicine and most families live on as little as $2 per day/$10 weekly. But now things are getting even worse due to the drastically rising prices of food and supplies in Haiti. The people literally do not have enough money to buy food for themselves or their families. They are slowly and painfully starving to death! The government of Haiti is not doing anything to help it's people. This is why they need our help. They need it now more than ever before. Please consider donating now. We really need peanut butter and soy formula. Other than that if you are donating food items please make sure they are nonperishable, as it may take a few weeks before they get to Haiti.
We hope and pray that all of you will help bring food to the starvig people of Haiti. Regardless of whether you can only afford to donate one jar of peanut butter or 20 jars, they are all very much needed and appreciated. You will literally be helping to save lives just by doing something so simple. We will be sending out our next shipment in a couple of weeks. Please... help us help them. You won't regret it. We promise.
Things have gotten very bad in Haiti recently. There has always been a shortage of food and medicine and most families live on as little as $2 per day/$10 weekly. But now things are getting even worse due to the drastically rising prices of food and supplies in Haiti. The people literally do not have enough money to buy food for themselves or their families. They are slowly and painfully starving to death! The government of Haiti is not doing anything to help it's people. This is why they need our help. They need it now more than ever before. Please consider donating now. We really need peanut butter and soy formula. Other than that if you are donating food items please make sure they are nonperishable, as it may take a few weeks before they get to Haiti.
We hope and pray that all of you will help bring food to the starvig people of Haiti. Regardless of whether you can only afford to donate one jar of peanut butter or 20 jars, they are all very much needed and appreciated. You will literally be helping to save lives just by doing something so simple. We will be sending out our next shipment in a couple of weeks. Please... help us help them. You won't regret it. We promise.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Next Stop...Haiti!!!
Good news. All of the donations we collected will soon be Haiti. It looks like they will going on March 11th or 26th. Probably the 26th. Please pray for a safe flight for the person taking them to Haiti.
Well I'm sick again. I just can't seem to get well. I just got over an upper resp. infection and now,two weeks later, I'm sick again. We had plans to go out for a nice dinner with my mom last night but I ended up at the Dr.'s instead. He said the resp. infection is gone but now I have a sinus and double ear infection. I feel miserable. He took me out of work a few days and gave me stronger meds this time.
Alright I'm gonna go back to bed now. Just wanted to give you all an update on the donations upcoming trip.
Well I'm sick again. I just can't seem to get well. I just got over an upper resp. infection and now,two weeks later, I'm sick again. We had plans to go out for a nice dinner with my mom last night but I ended up at the Dr.'s instead. He said the resp. infection is gone but now I have a sinus and double ear infection. I feel miserable. He took me out of work a few days and gave me stronger meds this time.
Alright I'm gonna go back to bed now. Just wanted to give you all an update on the donations upcoming trip.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
We Have More Donations!!!
We have a good start on donations. So far we have some clothing, toothpaste (Thank You Michele!), and a few cans of powdered soy formula!! The formula is very much needed to help keep the babies alive. They depend on this for survival. So if you happen to come across any good deals on soy formula please think of the babies and pick up a can or two. We are specifically requesting soy verses milk based formula because the soy is easier for the babies to digest. The temperatures in Haiti are high and the milk based formula turns sour in their little tummies and makes them sick.
Thanks for all the support and please continue to keep Smiles For Haiti and the precious children of Haiti in your prayers.
Thanks for all the support and please continue to keep Smiles For Haiti and the precious children of Haiti in your prayers.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
We're Back!!
Hi all. Sorry it's been so long since we've blogged. We've all been pretty sick here. Actually I think the entire Valley is ill right now!! There is just so much going around. Kyle had a sinus infection and tonsillitis as well. We recently learned that he's going to need surgery. They are going to remove his tonsils and adenoids. We don't have a date yet but will post when we find out. Please keep him in your prayers as he is scared of the upcoming surgery. At 12 years old (nearly 13), he has never had to have any iv's or surgeries, unlike his sister who has had more than her fair share. So understandably he is quite nervous. Katie is currently on her second dose of antibiotics. The first was for strep throat, now a week later the throat is better but she now has a double ear infection. I have a lovely upper respiratory infection, and Darrell is trying to fight off that wonderful flu bug that's going around. So as you can see we've all been quite preoccupied lately.
The good news is that all of the donations have been repacked into suitcases and are ready for their trip to Haiti. The next person/family traveling to Haiti for pickup (adopting a child/children) or a visit will take the suitcases with them and deliver them for us.
We are still collecting more donations. We are hoping to send out the next packages in a few weeks. So please remember us when you go shopping or clean out your children's closets!!
The good news is that all of the donations have been repacked into suitcases and are ready for their trip to Haiti. The next person/family traveling to Haiti for pickup (adopting a child/children) or a visit will take the suitcases with them and deliver them for us.
We are still collecting more donations. We are hoping to send out the next packages in a few weeks. So please remember us when you go shopping or clean out your children's closets!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Safe In Indiana!!
We just found out that the packages have safely made their way to Indiana. Yea!! Hooray!! Yea!! Lori received them today. Next stop....Port-au-Prince, Haiti!!! Please pray they arrive safely in Haiti also.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Packages Are On Their Way!!
Today we took the packages to the post office. They should be arriving in Indiana in a couple days. Bring your muscles with you when you pick them up Lori.....they weigh 25 and 23 lbs.!!!
Katie is already planning what donations are needed next. This time she wants to include personal products for the older girls, and more stuff for boys also. So now the collecting of donations begins again! We plan on sending the next packages out around the end of Feb. or beginning of March. That should give everyone that wants to help out ample time to do so. Remember, you don't have to go out and spend alot of money. Things as inexpensive as toothpaste,hand sanitizer and peanut butter are always needed. Anything and everything helps.
Katie is already planning what donations are needed next. This time she wants to include personal products for the older girls, and more stuff for boys also. So now the collecting of donations begins again! We plan on sending the next packages out around the end of Feb. or beginning of March. That should give everyone that wants to help out ample time to do so. Remember, you don't have to go out and spend alot of money. Things as inexpensive as toothpaste,hand sanitizer and peanut butter are always needed. Anything and everything helps.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Donations Are Ready To Go!!!!!

We had a hard time fitting everything into the picture at once!! Isn't this awesome? We have filled up one box and have started packing the second. I know we're a little late, we wanted to mail the packages last Thursday but didn't get around to it on time. But they are now ready, and will be mailed out first thing Monday morning. Get ready Lori, they will be arriving soon!! Thanks again to everyone that has donated, showed support, and kept us in their prayers. It really means alot to us, and to the precious children of Haiti.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Carly ( Formula For Haiti )
Hi it's me, Katie. I have a very nice friend. Her name is Carly. She started Formula For Haiti. She's 10 yrs. old too. She hopes that she can get 5 trucks of formula for the rescue center in Haiti. Maybe if she has enough formula her mom can take the formula to Haiti with her in May. Go check out her blog, Formula For Haiti. It's listed under Friends of Smiles For Haiti. All you have to do is click on it and it'll take you to her site. Thank you for listening. Bye.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Last Call !!!
Our first donations are being sent out this Thursday!!!!! Yea!! So this is the last call for any more donations that have not yet come in. Please get them to us by Wednesday otherwise they won't get sent out till the next time. Not quite sure when that will be But it should be sometime around the end of Feb. or beginning of March if all continues to go as planned.
Thank you to those of you that have donated and those that are keeping us and the children in your prayers. I believe that the Lord has blessed Smiles For Haiti. He has provided us with many donations and I'm sure He has much planned for us. Thank you again for all that you have done to help.
Thank you to those of you that have donated and those that are keeping us and the children in your prayers. I believe that the Lord has blessed Smiles For Haiti. He has provided us with many donations and I'm sure He has much planned for us. Thank you again for all that you have done to help.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Donations Still Coming In
Hi everyone. We received more donations today as well as yesterday....thank you Amanda. And we have been told that more are on the way. We will soon be sending the first shipment of donations to Lori, and are very excited!! If any of you have not checked out our links to the rescue center and clinic yet then please do so. We hope that you will fall in love with the people of Haiti like we have. Haiti has become very special to us and we would love to visit in the future. I'm pretty sure I'd never be able to get Darrell on a plane but I know Katie would go with me, maybe even Kyle. Someday.......
Good news. Lori is feeling much better today. Thanks for your prayers. Heather has an appointment with orthopedics tomorrow. Please continue to pray that she has a speedy recovery and that all goes well for her tomorrow.
Just when I thought Katie had a full plate between school, Smiles For Haiti and just being a kid, she proved me wrong. Her school is starting a Drama Club and if you know Katie then you know she belongs in it. And she felt the same way. So it starts tomorrow and we will both be attending every Tuesday and Thursday ( she talked me into volunteering). I'm sure it's gonna be alot of fun. They are planning on putting on a production of The Wizard of Oz in March. I'll let you know once we get an actual date.
Well that's about it for tonight. Sleep well all.
Good news. Lori is feeling much better today. Thanks for your prayers. Heather has an appointment with orthopedics tomorrow. Please continue to pray that she has a speedy recovery and that all goes well for her tomorrow.
Just when I thought Katie had a full plate between school, Smiles For Haiti and just being a kid, she proved me wrong. Her school is starting a Drama Club and if you know Katie then you know she belongs in it. And she felt the same way. So it starts tomorrow and we will both be attending every Tuesday and Thursday ( she talked me into volunteering). I'm sure it's gonna be alot of fun. They are planning on putting on a production of The Wizard of Oz in March. I'll let you know once we get an actual date.
Well that's about it for tonight. Sleep well all.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Prayers Needed!!
Hi again. Not a whole lot going on today. Today was my day off and we did a whole lotta NOTHING. It was actually pretty nice. Of course I'll have to make up for it in the coming days but that's ok.
Please keep Lori and our friend Heather in your prayers. Lori is suffering from pain in her neck and migraine headaches. Heather has damaged her ligaments in her foot and cannot walk on it. Lori sees her doctor Monday, and Heather has to make an appt. with ortho. on Monday. We pray that she gets one very soon, as she's in a great deal of pain.
We've added many more donations to Smiles For Haiti. Everything from infant rice cereal to diaper rash creams and medicines. We've got a good size collection going but we still need everyone to keep the donations coming. We still need diapers, soy formula and peanut butter. So please keep us in mind next time you go shopping.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great night.
Please keep Lori and our friend Heather in your prayers. Lori is suffering from pain in her neck and migraine headaches. Heather has damaged her ligaments in her foot and cannot walk on it. Lori sees her doctor Monday, and Heather has to make an appt. with ortho. on Monday. We pray that she gets one very soon, as she's in a great deal of pain.
We've added many more donations to Smiles For Haiti. Everything from infant rice cereal to diaper rash creams and medicines. We've got a good size collection going but we still need everyone to keep the donations coming. We still need diapers, soy formula and peanut butter. So please keep us in mind next time you go shopping.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great night.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Video Camera's Still Alive!!
Good news. The video camera survived the barbecue sauce! I didn't think it would but it did. We are very happy. I really didn't want to have to replace it. Once I figure out how to do it I'm gonna upload a video of Katie talking about her vision for Smiles For Haiti. She really is an amazing little girl. I thank God for her everyday. I don't mean to sound like Kyle and Darrell aren't just as special to me, I would be totally lost without them. There's just something extra special about her.
Well there's no new developments with the donations. We are still planning on sending out the first shipment of donations within the next week or so. So far we have collected stuffed animals, baby wipes, jars of baby food, some new clothing, and medicine. We still need alot more though. So please keep the donations coming. I'll be sure to post the pictures we receive of the kids receiving the donations. That way you'll all be able to see the expressions on their faces when they see all the stuff that they are getting. I know we can't wait to see it ourselves.
Hope you all have a good night. Thanks for caring.
Well there's no new developments with the donations. We are still planning on sending out the first shipment of donations within the next week or so. So far we have collected stuffed animals, baby wipes, jars of baby food, some new clothing, and medicine. We still need alot more though. So please keep the donations coming. I'll be sure to post the pictures we receive of the kids receiving the donations. That way you'll all be able to see the expressions on their faces when they see all the stuff that they are getting. I know we can't wait to see it ourselves.
Hope you all have a good night. Thanks for caring.
Monday, January 7, 2008
More Donations!!
Let me start off by saying that barbecue sauce and video cameras DO NOT mix well. Have any of you ever tried to clean a video camera that was covered in barbecue? Well I hadn't either. Until tonight. Katie was trying to add more sauce to her dinner pork chop and didn't forgot that she had already loosened the cap on the bottle. So she turned it upside down and began shaking the bottle. The cap flew off and barbecue sauce went all over the table, with most of it landing right on the video camera. She felt horrible. It took many, many wet wipes and alot of time but I think I might have salvaged it. I'll try it out in the morning to be sure.
Good news. We have more items being donated. A friend told me today that she's been buying things a little at a time and now has a collection for us. Thank you Heather!! We've still got a couple weeks left so there's still time left to donate. the more we get, the more we'll be able to help those precious children. Peanut butter, diapers, wipes, soy formula, school supplies, medicine or medical supplies. It's all needed. Thanks for helping everyone. Goodnight.
Good news. We have more items being donated. A friend told me today that she's been buying things a little at a time and now has a collection for us. Thank you Heather!! We've still got a couple weeks left so there's still time left to donate. the more we get, the more we'll be able to help those precious children. Peanut butter, diapers, wipes, soy formula, school supplies, medicine or medical supplies. It's all needed. Thanks for helping everyone. Goodnight.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
From Our Bunch To Yours
Hi everyone, Sonia here. Hope you all had a good Christmas and New year's. Ours was good. I took a few days off from work to spend more time with Katie and her brother Kyle while they were on vacation. It's difficult to spend any quality time with them since I work different day shifts. Darrell, my husband, works nights so family time is really hard to come by. We have to almost schedule it in.
I'm hoping that you will go check out a friend's blog. Her name is Lori and she is a vital part of Smiles For Haiti. She is our direct link to the children that we are collecting the donations for. Without her we would be lost. So please go check out her sight and show your support.
We will be sending out our first donations in the next couple of weeks. So if you have not donated yet and want to, there is still time. Just drop us a line and we'll let you know how.
I'm hoping that you will go check out a friend's blog. Her name is Lori and she is a vital part of Smiles For Haiti. She is our direct link to the children that we are collecting the donations for. Without her we would be lost. So please go check out her sight and show your support.
We will be sending out our first donations in the next couple of weeks. So if you have not donated yet and want to, there is still time. Just drop us a line and we'll let you know how.
Little Lady
This is one of my favorite pictures of Katie. It was taken over the summer. She was the flowergirl for a friend's wedding.
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