Monday, January 7, 2008

More Donations!!

Let me start off by saying that barbecue sauce and video cameras DO NOT mix well. Have any of you ever tried to clean a video camera that was covered in barbecue? Well I hadn't either. Until tonight. Katie was trying to add more sauce to her dinner pork chop and didn't forgot that she had already loosened the cap on the bottle. So she turned it upside down and began shaking the bottle. The cap flew off and barbecue sauce went all over the table, with most of it landing right on the video camera. She felt horrible. It took many, many wet wipes and alot of time but I think I might have salvaged it. I'll try it out in the morning to be sure.

Good news. We have more items being donated. A friend told me today that she's been buying things a little at a time and now has a collection for us. Thank you Heather!! We've still got a couple weeks left so there's still time left to donate. the more we get, the more we'll be able to help those precious children. Peanut butter, diapers, wipes, soy formula, school supplies, medicine or medical supplies. It's all needed. Thanks for helping everyone. Goodnight.

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